Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Southern Oregon

We currently find ourselves in Boise, ID at Hi Valley RV Park.  It was a beautiful drive over although kind of hot.  The last few months I've noticed that my dash air had not been as cool as it used to be.  Running around in 60 - 70 degree temps for 2 hours at the most it is not a problem.  Today running for 5 hours in 80 + temps it was warm to say the least.  To top that my front AC is giving me problems popping the inside breakers.  We're here for a week so I guess I'll have to see about those problems.

To continue on with the migration, we travelled to Smith River, CA a small little town   We stayed at a park right at the mouth of the Smith River. 
We drove up and down the coast and pretty it was.  Lots of pictures, but we knew there were many more sites to see.

We went on up to the Cape Blanco RV Park in Port Orford, OR.  Nice small park, but they made every effort to accommodate our size rig.  There were about 5-6 sites that would do but mostly made up semi permanents.  We did the normal sites again on the water.
Cape Blanco Lighthouse  We were there on a clear day, but when we went back it was foggy.
We drove up to Bandon, OR and found it to be a quaint little town that if we go back we may elect to stay there.  Coquille Point is just below town and has nice views for several miles down the coast.
We traveled 100 to 150 miles at a time and then go up and down the coast to see all the sights.  We were amazed at the beauty everywhere.  Cool days clear (when the fog would burn off) and sights to see.  It doesn't get much better.  We couldn't wait to get up the coast, but we didn't really want to pass anything up.  We would just watch the tourist come in and leave the next day or two.  We were real happy that we no longer had to travel that way.

The next post will be of Winchester Bay which I believe is our favorite place.


  1. Looking forward to your post on Winchester Bay . . . we were there for a few days at the end of May, and we loved it, too!

  2. How come a/c never breaks down in winter? Sort of like windshield wipers never fail except when it's raining... ;c)

  3. The coastline pictures are gorgeous!!

  4. Joe
    Please send me your email so I can contact you.

    Greg Jones
